Autodesk Navisworks: Essentials

This training course shows you how to use Autodesk Navisworks Manage in a BIM workflow to better predict project outcomes, reduce conflicts, minimize changes, and lower project risks.

The course provides instructions on how to consolidate civil, architectural, structural, and MEP models into a single BIM model and check for conflicts. It also discusses how to use the Review and Markup tools to communicate issues across disciplines, the Quantification module to create estimates for building material, and the TimeLiner, Animator, and Clash Detective to simulate construction and to identify any constructibility issues and on-site clashes. Finally, it describes how to use the Rendering feature of the software to better communicate design intent to the project team and other stakeholders.

This training course is designed for new and experienced users of Autodesk Navisworks in multiple disciplines.

IMAGINiT's Sneak Peek Into Training. View Now.
*Videos based on Autodesk 2025 courses. Any additional software changes will be reflected in actual course content.

Topics Covered in this Autodesk Navisworks Training Course:
  • Understanding the purpose of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and how it is applied in the Autodesk Navisworks software
  • Navigating the Autodesk Navisworks workspace and interface
  • Consolidating models from different software and properly aligning them to create a single Navisworks model
  • Saving and retrieving views and sectioning a model
  • Using basic viewing and investigation tools to locate, review, and measure items
  • Adding tags and comments to model components
  • Reviewing a model for clashes
  • Performing quantification calculations and material takeoffs
Prerequisites for this Autodesk Navisworks Training Course:
A working knowledge of 3D design and task-scheduling software is recommended.

Course description shown for Autodesk Navisworks 2025.
Topics, curriculum, and/or prerequisites may change depending on software version.