Autodesk Inventor Professional: Simulation

During this Autodesk Inventor training learn the fundamental principles and recommended workflows for analyzing designs and creating dynamic simulations of mechanisms using Autodesk® Inventor® Professional. Users learn how to validate digital prototypes by simulating the operation of mechanisms and motorized assemblies in the Dynamic Simulation Environment. They also learn how to analyze parts and assemblies, perform parametric design studies, and use modal analysis in the FEA and Frame Analysis Environment of Autodesk Inventor. Hands-on exercises representing real-world, industry-specific design scenarios are included.

Fundamental Topics for this Autodesk Inventor training course:
  • Cyclic Symmetry Analysis
  • Assembly Optimization
  • Bolted Connections
  • Weldment Analysis
  • Assembly Analysis with built-in welds
  • Wind Load Analysis
  • Fabrication Analysis
  • Sheet Metal Analysis
  • Motion Load Transfer Analysis
  • Multiple Motion Load Transfer
  • Modal Analysis
  • Frame Analysis Environment
  • Frame Analysis Using Content Center Structures
  • Frame Analysis Using Frame Generator Structures
  • Dynamic Simulation Joints
  • Dynamic Simulation Environmental Constraints
  • Analyzing Dynamic Simulation Results
Prerequisites for this Autodesk Inventor training course:
Students should have completed an Autodesk Inventor Introduction to Modeling course. Students should also have a solid understanding of Frame Generator and Weldments found in the Autodesk Inventor Advanced Assembly Modeling course and have a working knowledge of the following:
  • Complex assembly design using Autodesk Inventor
  • Foundational Understanding of Finite Element Analysis and Kinematic Motion
  • Mechanical engineering or engineering analysis principles
Course description shown for Autodesk Inventor Professional 2023.
Topics, curriculum, and/or prerequisites may change depending on software version.